October Yard and Garden Chores for Wisconsin Homes

Home landscaping is a major part of the value of your Wisconsin home. In this blog, we go over a few of the must-do chores for October so that come spring, your yard is rocking the block. 

Lawn Care

In general, mid-August through mid-September is the perfect time to plant a lawn from seed or via sod throughout the whole of Wisconsin. For October,  lawn care is all about weed control and  fertilization. Your goal is to give your lawn the best chances of putting down hardy roots before Winter turns the temperature control to frozen solid. Remember that there are many types of lawn grasses and you want one that will stand up to Wisconsin’s cold seasons. Kentucky Bluegrass or a variation thereof is a good example of a cool loving grass. If you are looking for an outside turf grass, check out some of the fine fescues varieties. 

Shrub Care

Shrubs can be very fussy so your first job is to know your shrubs. Some can only be pruned when they lose their leaves or when they go dormant. October is a good time of year to prune most shrubs,    especially those that require pruning in order to bloom next spring or summer. Some shrubs must be cut back because last year’s growth will not produce flowers next year. To   encourage these types of shrubs to bloom, they must be trimmed. Check with your gardener or even a local nursery about when to prune the shrubs in your yard. If you have   stragglers then wait until next spring to replace them.

Tree Care

October is the prime time to have trees trimmed, branches thinned and any damaged trees either pruned or taken down. Do all of your tree care before winter hits and big storms   produce a dangerous  situation for you, your neighbors, fences, and your home. 

 Learn more about how to care for your landscaping at Design Custom Homes. We work with industry professionals to create amazing outdoor living areas with blended landscapes   and we use plants that love Wisconsin. 


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